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RG Campbell Advisory






Innovative research is the key to future business development and improved efficiency. RG Campbell Advisory Pty Ltd can provide advice and direction on research trends, recent research outcomes that could affect your business and where attention should be paid in the research arena.


We can also advise on the design of research projects to maximise scientific and commercial outcomes and manage research at the project and program levels.


Also, have expertise in reviewing research reports and analysing data sets to identify scientific and commercial implications. A talent that is quite rare in the research arena.







RG Campbell Advisory Pty Ltd has expertise in all aspects of pork production. We understand how the animal’s biology and business structure interact to affect profitability.


We understand the financial and performance indicators that most affect profitability and can provide these for a range of business both nationally and globally. We can advise on the most cost effective means of improving KPIs, which may be holding your business back and/or making it more resilient in the future.


Willing to present national and global situations and discuss means of enhancing profitability based on previous experience and on current trends in global pork production.





Project and Business Management

Dr Campbell has 25 years’ experience in managing companies associated with pork production and in the management of research at the project and program level. Dr Campbell managed the research program for Australia’s largest pork producer (Bunge Meat Industries now Rivalea Australia) from 1988 to 1999. The program covered nutrition, animal health, meat quality, reproduction and aspects of genetic modification to enhance growth performance and reproductive capacity. Dr Campbell was also a member of the company’s senior management team during the period.


From 1999 to 2005 Dr, Campbell was CEO of Ausgene a swine genetic company based in Bloomington Illinois (USA).


Between 2005 and 20018 Dr, Campbell was CEO of two Pork CRCs and oversaw the development and execution of research across some 9 programs and 21 subprograms. These covered animal welfare, pork eating quality, animal health and antibiotic reduction, greenhouse gas reduction and improving the efficiency and cost of pork production. His experience in research management is unparalleled as is his ability to understand the needs of researchers/scientists and to work with them to ensure projects are completed and outcomes delivered in a timely manner.





+61 407 774 714